Strange Clandestine Institution

In a strange assumedly clandestine underground science lab complex.  Strange not because of the labs, they’re fairly normal, but the hallways in between and the washrooms especially were some lavish Rothschilde-esq eyes-wide-shut palacial type.  Labs were large, fairly typical, and could accommodate probably 30-40 technicians (or whatever they were doing).  I was exploring the place but also trying to find a means of communication outside.  One of the lead professors was strangely Robin Williams, and he was really excited and at the same time very nervous that there was someone else who wanted to and could potentially communicate whatever we needed outside this place.  I told him we needed a particular machine, and he left saying he had the major component so I figured with some of the shit in the lab I’ll just put together the rest quickly.  We meet in another lab and he brings in the particular device, which looks almost like a large dual fan GPU with liquid cooling tubes going all around it.  He literally takes two steps in the door and through another door in the lab comes Hilary Clinton, who then pulls out a gun and shoot Robin Williams, shoots another person in the lab who was witness but nothing to do with our shit (just doing their own project).  I have no gun, so I have to go Vietnam swamp rat mode between the lab tables.  Bitch shot me in the throat and I woke up.  Shooting the throat I feel symbolic of “silence the electronic voice”.

Edit: After looking for a picture of an underground lab that fits the description of my dream, I find the perfect picture that happens to be from an underground lab inside of a mountain in China (Jinping Underground Laboratory)

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